August Meeting Newsletter

Meeting 7-9pm-ish on July 31st, 2024, with the monthly meeting *always* happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. Attendees included Carl, Eric, Zeus, Darrin, Lane, Briant, Dave, Jared, Micah, Bill and Pepe, Jessica, Luke, Matt and Kindra.

—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt Boggio (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) were all in attendance this evening*—-


Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $12,972.15 which is a whopping increase of some dollar amount from the previous amount. Can’t remember what it was, so see the previous newsletter if you care. Or come to the meetings too, that would be fun. Just sayin’.

*AC at the Metra – The event was discussed to finalize the sponsorship and all the other crap we will need to do to put on this event. It was discussed that there may not be as many drivers as we were hoping, but we will adjust the final amount for Jason when we see who shows up to the Metra on Saturday. Jason doesn’t care to have tons and tons of advertising, and we will raise a couple of banners so passing folks can drive up and see what all the fun is about. One banner will be at the entrance and the other will be near the table. Angie and Kindra will do table stuff, Chris will help tech cars, Luke will bring water and ice, Carl will be free to put out any fires as they arise. If we have more than 60 people, we will split into 3 run groups. If less than 60, we will still do two run groups. Now the important question – Which side of the lot to use? We took it to a vote, after much discussion about North and South, and This side or That side. Here or There. Left and Right, or is it Right and Left? It was brought to our attention that some club members don’t know their directions and would probably get lost in the wilderness. It was mentioned by Bill that North and South are two different sides of the Metra. Kindra pointed out to those that were confused that the North side is the side closest to the Rim, and South is the side closest to the interstate (which is visible from the far southwestern corner of the South lot). It was ultimately voted that we will use the North lot (closest to the Rim, the one with the elevation change, the side that has the entrance in the middle or That side if your name is Matt) for the course, since it is bigger (size matters here, folks). And that we will park and grid in the South lot (the one closest to the interstate, the one that is smaller. The one over ‘there’).

*Live Timing – It was also discussed to make it known about the live timing Pronto offers. Live timing allows participants to check times in an instant and in real time. It can be accessed on your Smartphone or computer. YR108 does not condone checking or being on your phone during and while participating in live action events. It is dangerous to be on your phone in the grid (could get smooshed) and strictly forbidden when behind the wheel (distraction and not in control of the car) or working the course (could also be smooshed or ran over). So please be smart. We would hate for anyone to be chastised for poor phone etiquette in front of other racers and spectators (it’s embarrassing). Plus, one could catch the death (also embarrassing, and highly irreversible). Not smart at all. Now that we’ve learned when TO use our phones (SMART – Out of your car, out of grid areas, and off course far away from moving vehicles) and when NOT TO (NOT SMART – On course, behind the wheel, working the bucket, etc.) the live timing link is here:

                LIVE TIMING:

*YDS – We had 26 drivers, 4 of those were weekend memberships, and we still came across a small profit ($274) for the event. We will pay CW next week. It was brought to our attention that Bill had issues with the radio calls while working timing. Not that Bill specifically has issues (debatable), but more that we cannot emphasize enough the importance of radio etiquette. PLEASE wait 2-3 seconds AFTER pressing the talk button to start your call to timing. It takes a little bit for the radio waves to connect, and when you just start blabbing into the radio BEFORE it connects, timing doesn’t get the call. Then they have to call for you to repeat it….. then your dumb ass has to do it all over again. And you will probably speak louder and faster when repeating. Neither of which is helpful. I know how exciting it can be out on course but give it 2-3 seconds. We beg of you. PLEASE. Also, make the call either before or after you run, NOT DURING. It is hard to understand you when you’re all huffing and puffing across the course. Not to mention, your radio hand is moving while you’re running, so it makes it hard to hear when the radio isn’t by your mouth.

To recap:

1. Watch the vehicle as they pass by your area.

2. See if they hit/wiggle/flung in the air any cones.

3. LOOK BOTH WAYS and KNOW THE COURSE and if it doubles back BEFORE you run out to get/check a cone.

4. If it is a +1, press the radio button and WAIT 2-3 seconds before speaking.

5. Speak slowly, clearly, and TRY to use the car numbers. DO NOT yell into the radio. It does not make timing hear you better. DO NOT try to communicate while running. You’re not good at it. No one is.

*PRONTO – It was a success, and they even comp’ed our first event at YDS! How nice! Lane talked pricing with the representative and was able to score a lesser fee for our club, with the new total being $75 per weekend. Any savings helps! Thanks, Lane! He was also able to get the cables for the timing system, about $10 for both displays. We can expect this system to be up and operational at every event moving forward. We will continue to keep AXWare in our back pocket and see how this goes. Hopefully this is a healthy addiction for our club.

*Safety Steward – WE NEED SOME MORE!! Wanna learn how we keep our events safe? Ever thought of yourself as someone with attention to detail (almost to a fault)? Ever had to tell someone spectating to go get a wrist band? Have you had to call in to timing that a passenger was holding their phone and to check if it was secure when the run was finished? Ever had to DNF a run because the driver had their own hand or arm outside the car? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you would make a great Safety Steward! RallyX needs some, and AutoX needs some too! If you’re interested, email SCCA Region Services first, then they will open the Portal of Awesomeness for you to enter and become certified. After you request courses on becoming the very valuable and completely necessary Safety Steward, the link will present itself to you.


*Business Cards – In the works, Micah and Lane are working on getting the details together. Detail faster!!! Where are they?

*Merch – Beanies, hats, sweatshirts, and T-shirts are ready to go home with you! Make sure to bring some cash to pick up your new YR108 body coverings. Matt is tired of all those boxes of them sitting in his living room. He reports it leaves no room for activities.

                Beanies, hats, T-Shirts – $15

                Sweatshirts – $25


September 7-8 – Co-op with Bozeman in Helena at RMESTC

September 21-22 – Coneheads in Helena at RMESTC

September 28 – Casino event in Riverton, WY. (Only 4.5 hours away, fun times, great people)

October 5 – Metra Meltdown

Meeting adjourned tonight about 8:30pm. Hard and fast, as it was the second meeting this calendar month ahead of the AC Metra event. Some of us could be so lucky. Look forward to sharing ideas but don’t know where to go? Do you feel like no one listens to you at home? When you talk cars, car parts, and going faster, do people’s eyes glaze over and do they start to drool? Do you have big brain ideas but feel like all your genius falls on deaf ears? Come to a meeting. We would love to talk car parts and matching shoes well into the twilight hours with you. Heck, there might even be some treats this next time.

July Meeting Newsletter

Meeting 7-9pm-ish on July 10th, 2024, with the monthly meeting always happening at Laurel
Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. The Big Dog Hooptie winners included Carl, Luke,
Briant, Jared, Dave, Darrin, Micah, Lane, Kindra, and Matt. Ice cream treats were in high
numbers as were the temperature digits on this sweltering summer evening. Carl brought the
meeting to order to shut down any quarreling about who had ice cream and who did not. There
were many comments about a functioning pancreas and the ability to even eat ice cream.
Levels of idiocy were discussed, and it was agreed upon that it is organized as such:
1: Idiot
2: Low Grade Imbecile
4: Mid Grade Imbecile
3: High Grade Imbecile
5: Moron (this is the worst if you didn’t know)
Discussion came around to a Countach, and when I asked what it is, the response I got was
“about $57,000”
—-Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt Boggio (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) were all in attendance this evening—-
Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $12,394.81 which includes all the money. RDO
sponsorship is in the works still and is taking a bit longer than usual this season. Purchases for
this month include a tow strap for the trailer, more floor-dri, and possibly some pins for the big
timing board.
*Acton Cross – This event reported about 30 drivers and about $480 in profit for our little club.
We plan to increase payment to CW to $300 for the use of YDS. He is allowing us use of the
propane, ice, bathrooms and the grill. Grilling burgers and hot dogs at YDS is a great way to
socialize and laugh at our events (in addition to pre-drivers meeting, on the radios, after the
event….ect.) Remember, there is not a guarantee there will be BBQ at every YDS event, but
keep your eyes peeled on the Facebook page and we will announce it as we go. It is pretty
*Hot Shots in Helena – This was a fabulous time! My first time going, and I will try to make it
every time! A decent portion of track in the east end, and a large pad for squirrely-do’s and
sweeper-don’ts made for a great event. We saw 53 drivers over the weekend and raked in
about $800 in profit. A bit less than last year with participants, but still seeing growth at this
venue overall. It may be a drive for some members, but in my opinion, it is worth it. Bathrooms
on site and shower accommodations made for a clean time. There was no charge this year for
the bathrooms, thank you RMESTC for hosting us! We will see you again in September for the
co-op with Bozeman on the 7-8. Remember, if enough people pre-register, their club will open
the east track portion and drivers can enjoy ALL the benefits of RMESTC. And if you go,
remember not to stake down tents or use the stabby-type umbrellas or canopies into the grass.
It causes issues with the sprinkler. Like breaking it. And we want to care for our venues like the
wonderful things that they are.
*Issues that arose in Helena – There was an issue with allowing Buck Runs to those who have
not registered with the event. It was brought to our attention that if one person is allowed, we
must then allow anyone who is interested. It was discussed about allowing vehicles that were
not previously used/teched during the event, and if it was feasible to tech a vehicle quickly to
allow it time on course during the Buck Run. Another topic of discussion was if a driver could
Buck Run a car if he/she had not registered or if they did not attend the driver’s meeting.
Discussion included how current members got interested in the first place and would we have
even joined if we hadn’t been allowed a small taste of autoX. It certainly wasn’t because
everyone smelled nice. There were many points to showcase pros and cons, but ultimately it
was put to a vote. Majority, (including Matt) voted to not allow any driver to run on course if they
had not registered either previously OR the day of and paid all applicable registration fees. It
boils down to whether or not the driver is covered by event insurance *IF* something were to
happen. We always hope for the best and never want anything bad to happen, but if by chance
someone was a complete hooligan out on course, they would not be covered if they had not
registered. This was discussed and decided by majority that anything that could compromise
our club and the ability to have our fun was a bad idea. Also moving forward, any driver that
wishes to switch cars for Buck Runs will need to have a tech inspection before allowed on
Also, any old and outdated ideas anyone has about ‘switching run groups’ between Saturday
and Sunday events is not proper thinking. It was brought up after the drivers meeting on Sunday
in Helena that “I ran in the first group yesterday, so I should be in the second group today, I don’t
understand how I’m not going second…..”. NO. That is not how it works. Some drivers only run
one day, some drivers only run one heat. Sometimes people only show up on the last day. It
does not make any sense to conform to this old and outdated ideation of ‘switching groups’. No
pineapples here, Brenda. There is ALWAYS a new driver and work assignment sheet the
second day at every YR108 event. Balancing out the groups takes precedence. Please follow
the sheet as it is lined out. As always, if you have an issue with your work assignment, please
speak with that event’s Safety Steward. Thank you.
*Helmets – The season is upon us, and we will be in need of helmets here in a few weeks
for the Archie Cochrane/Metra Day in August. Be sure to dust off yours and bring them to
any event you come to so we can get as many approvals as possible. If you have any
extras lying around that you don’t use, or if you’ve just been using ours because you
“can’t” find yours in your garage, time to start looking bruh. They will be in short supply,
and it is an absolute rule to wear one as a driver and a passenger. If you’ve been thinking
of buying a new one, make sure to look at the most recent SCCA rules to see accepted
ratings. **
*Photographer – Les is our Club’s “resident photographer” and has been attending and
photographing events for quite a while now. If you see him, be sure to thank him for coming out
and taking pictures of all your slow-ass cars for all these years. It was brought up for discussion
to compensate him in some way. We have offered rides, free registration if he wanted, cash
payments… He has turned it all down. Discussion was had and Luke will use club funds to
procure a prepaid Visa card to gift him with. Voted amount was $200. We will see how receptive
he is to it and decide how best to compensate Les moving into next season and Rally this
*Help – Carl contacted the main people at SCCA and asked how best to approach paying for a
venue if it boils down to us losing a venue in the future. As it stands, we have the Metra, which
is difficult to book and expensive, YDS which is reliable for scheduling but has asphalt issues,
Bridger which is reliable and usually available but is limited for course design, and Helena which
is fabulous in every way, but at the end of a 4-hour drive. We will need to start thinking of new
venues in order to help conserve the current ones and ultimately add a new location to the
rotation. Carl was told that we should get an asphalt company to reduce costs or help by
donating asphalt or raise our rates. Discussion went again to helping CW pave the lot at YDS,
and Darrin suggested a tar truck, but instead of tar, Elmers Glue. Not a bad idea. Outside the
box, but still an idea.
*AxWare VS. Pronto – It was discussed that we should give in to peer pressure and try Pronto
once. One time. Just this once and then we will quit. Only once. We can do it. Like a crack
dealer giving away free samples, we are worried we will be immediately addicted to this
fantastic system. Lane reports it is easy to make a rolling time sheet for the display, and the
system itself is effortless. Added to it is superior customer service available ALL. WEEKEND.
LONG…. Overall consensus: AxWare will still be there because we bought a renewal for our
contract, and the price was right. Average cost to the club with AxWare is about $28 each event
(Rally included). If we replaced the lights with AxWare, and got all new software, it would be
about $3800. It was found that the updates are pretty much irreversible, so we are stuck with a
crappy version until we can find a way to un-crap-ify it. Pronto is about $100 per event. It is a
pay as you go, there is no contract or agreement period. BUUT…. It will cost the club about
$1500 per year. Which includes Rally events. AxWear is $500 for three years. It is a
considerable jump in cost. It was discussed and voted in favor to try Pronto at the YDS event
this upcoming weekend.
*Business Cards – In the works, Micah and Lane are working on getting the details together.
Detail faster!!! Where are they?
*Merch – Beanies, hats, sweatshirts, and T-shirts are ready to go home with you! Make sure to
bring some cash to pick up your new YR108 body coverings. Matt is tired of all those boxes of
them sitting in his living room. He reports it leaves no room for activities.
Beanies, hats, T-Shirts – $15
Sweatshirts – $25
*Archie Cochrane – The contract for the Metra is done and set up. We are still waiting for the
sponsorship from ACF (Archie Cochrane Ford) to come through, but all is ready to go. MSR will
open for registration soon (keep your eyes peeled) on June 14th at 12:01 am. The nominal $3 (5
was wrong, it is 5 total) fee is required by MSR as they are the registration hub for all things fun.
It was decided that $5 would cover whatever flat fee MSR charges and will help weed out
anyone who decides to register because it is free and not because they actually plan to attend.
Some things to remember:
1: If you want to pay at the table that is fine, but there may be no guarantee there will be a spot
so please pre-register online at MSR at least. We voted to cap the number of entrants at 100
due to the size of the Metra, as well as how to pull off such a sizeable event safely.
2: Helmets will likely be an issue, so please, please, PLEASE find any you might have so we
can tech them and have them handy for novice drivers and spectators.
3: IDs WILL be required and must be presented at the table for anyone who plans to attend
Motorin’ at the Metra on August 3. THERE WILL BE A DEDICATED ID CHECKER on this day.
Lane will be speaking with Jason soon to get the details finalized. Thanks, Lane, for taking on
this awesome task.
August 3 – Motorin’ at the Metra
September 7-8 – Co-op with Bozeman in Helena at RMESTC
September 21-22 – Coneheads in Helena at RMESTC
October 5 – Metra Meltdown
Meeting adjourned tonight about 9:30pm, and Trinity brought home made chocolate chip
cookies near the end. Briant decided to walk to the convenience store and almost missed out on
the cookies because Dave is a pigface and he def took more than his share, something like 6
cookies. Just for himself. Luke took a few more than his share too, but it was ok because it
wasn’t as many as Dave took. Lane gave back one cookie so Briant could have two total since
Trinity informed him that he had more at home. It was discussed that we will have our August
meeting before the ACF August 3rd Metra event. We will finalize any issues and decisions prior
to this super big, super special, super sponsored event. Look forward to sharing ideas but don’t
know where to go? Do you feel like no one listens to you at home? When you talk cars, car
parts, and going faster, do people’s eyes glaze over and do they start to drool? Do you have big
brain ideas but feel like all your genius falls on deaf ears? Come to a meeting. We would love to
talk car parts and matching shoes well into the twilight hours with you. Heck, there might even
be some treats this next time.

June Meeting Newsletter

Meeting 7-9pm-ish on June 5th, 2024, with the monthly meeting *always* happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. The best of the best included Carl, Matt, Angie, Kindra, Dave, Micah, Jared, Lane, Luke, Briant, Darrin, and Bill. Our fabulous group of “go hard or go home” drivers prepared for tonight’s meeting with caffeine and enthusiasm. Lane took it upon himself to order (with his own finances of course) durags for the Hooptie Event. The fine, limited-edition headgear was passed out to the Hooptie Veterans, and we thank them for their service to our entertainment. Hooptie Veterans were required to wear their durags for the entire Hooptie Day this past weekend (Sunday June 9) while competing for their Chalice of Excrement. Some drivers required assistance in donning and doffing their durag. It was a very fashionable style for the night. Carl brought the meeting to order just like he drives his Mustang: swiftly and partially in the dirt. Many were frightened, but none were surprised. Especially Kindra.  

—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt Boggio (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) were all in attendance this evening*—-


Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $12,488.22 which includes all the outstanding debts paid, apart from the Bridger Runway Light. No lights were harmed in the execution of the Aviator Cup, so the Bridger Light Debt is still the same amount as before and still outstanding. No one really had any ideas about what to try next. Got an idea? Come to the meeting yo. The invoice for the October Metra event will be drawn up soon.

*Aviator Cup – Season opener for YR108 was a success! Merch was ‘flying’ out of the tubs. Get it? Flying? Drivers from all over Montana and a few from Wyoming piled up their vehicles and drove the dust right off. The course was fresh, the trailer had some season opener issues, and it was cold and windy. All in all it was a great time. We had 44 entrants, 15 using the weekend membership on MSR. Total revenue was about $725 not counting the merch sales.

*Acton Cross – Annual Hooptie Day! First Place Loser this season was Micah. He will bear the shame of being too fast and will hold possession of the Chalice of Excrement for the next 12 calendar months. He was beyond excited and may have even shed a tear. Not really, the look was less than enthusiastic. Better luck next year! Second Place winner this season was 5th place (according to the dice roll), and Carl took home the coveted Sal-Lasagna. It looked tasty, but Carl said the mushrooms wouldn’t be too popular at his house. Congrats on the win! Third place winner and keeper of the Hooptie Trophy is Matt. Strategy, persistence, patience, and a little bit of sandbagging got him this wonderful prize! He will have the privilege of gazing at this amazing artistic trophy for the next year. He will keep it meticulously polished. He will keep it in tip-top shape for next year’s Hooptie Winner.

*Helmets – The season is upon us, and we will be in need of helmets here in a few short months for the Archie Cochrane/Metra Day in August. Be sure to dust off yours and bring them to any event you come to so we can get as many approvals as possible. If you have any extras lying around that you don’t use, or if you’ve just been using ours because you “can’t” find yours in your garage, time to start looking bruh. They will be in short supply, and it is an absolute rule to wear one as a driver and a passenger. If you’ve been thinking of buying a new one, make sure to look at the most recent SCCA rules to see accepted ratings. **

*Business Cards – In the works, Micah and Lane are working on getting the details together. Detail faster!!! *ARRUGH* (Kindra is impatient and wants the cards yesterday and could have passed out a fair amount already this season)

*Merch – Beanies, hats, sweatshirts, and T-shirts are ready to go home with you! Make sure to bring some cash to pick up your new YR108 body coverings.

                 Beanies, hats, T-Shirts – $15

                 Sweatshirts – $25

*AXware – Just as a reminder, AXware does not recognize letters IN the car number when registering. Please keep the alphabet out of the numbers side of the yard. This isn’t algebra. Also, AXware has some expanded functions and will play with them a bit more to see what they are and how they work. It could even out the classing and trophies for Street, CAM, etc. Other issues involve utilizing AXware with limited timing peeps and safety stewards. Also, if ever AXware is malfunctioning, turn it off and back on. Tech support 101 here.

*Trailer – Following the trailer set up in Bridger, it was made known that many things are very specific when it comes to setting up. Carl was nominated to make a chart, complete with pictures (yes, photos help us figure things out) on how to set up certain elements within the race trailer. Included will be an Axware setup for the timing person. No PhD required.

*MSR – Registration is set up for this season’s link in MSR. You should be able to find all updated classing in the MSR drop down choices when registering. If any issues come up, please message an admin or Messenger to the YR108 Facebook page. Classes are fixed (minus Karts). It was discussed again why karts are not feasible for YR108:

  • No venue that is safe for Karts – we have limited venues here in Billings and surrounding areas as it is
  • Special Safety Stewards – we are thin on those as it is
  • Restrictions – lots and lots of those, limiting Helena or Bridger as the only possibilities
  • Tech – Special Kart inspection. Again, this limits who can inspect the Karts
  • Course Design – This also limits us on who can be Course Master for Karts
  • Safety Wear – Special fire suits, helmets, etc. So specific, it excludes almost everything we have available in our region.

*Drill – It was voted to get a drill for the trailer and to leave in the trailer, nothing special, max $20. Walmart Brand blue light special. The trailer stands are a pain to hand raise and lower, not to mention, no one wants to bend over for that long. All votes in favor, apart from Matt who voted against. (And I saw him use it at YDS this last weekend). Rude.

*Hot Shots – This coming weekend in Helena, we will have Hot Shots at the RMESTC in Helena, MT. It is gonna be a hootn’ hollerin’ good time so be sure to attend. The plan is to meet Friday June 28 in Park City at 10am and convoy down. If anyone is interested in helping set the track, it would be appreciated. Many hand make light work. There is camping available (please no tent stakes in the ground), bathrooms (bring your own air freshener), and showers (to un-stinkify) after the race (ewww, smelly). Remember, the campground is a no alcohol area so be sure to leave the booze at home. We want to be respectful so we are invited back!

*Minor waivers – Be sure to jump on and fill out the free (and required) minor waiver well ahead of any event you think you might want to attend with any person under the age of 18. Even if they are only riding, the waiver is STILL required (by SCCA and the insurance). It takes upwards of a week to a week and a half for approval. It stays good for a year so the young’uns can enjoy this family friendly motor sports year-round. If the driver is a minor, there is a different waiver to sign online. Be sure to get them done, even if you’re uncertain.

*Archie Cochrane – The contract for the Metra is done and set up. We are still waiting for the sponsorship from ACF (Archie Cochrane Ford) to come through, but all is ready to go. MSR will open for registration soon (keep your eyes peeled) on June 14th at 12:01 am. The nominal $5 fee is required by MSR as they are the registration hub for all things fun. It was decided that $5 would cover whatever flat fee MSR charges and will help weed out anyone who decides to register because it is free and not because they actually plan to attend. If you want to pay at the table that is fine, but there may be no guarantee there will be a spot so please pre-register at least. We voted to cap the number of entrants at 100 due to the size of the Metra, as well as how to pull off such a sizeable event safely. Helmets will likely be an issue, so please, please, PLEASE find any you might have so we can tech them and have them handy for novice drivers and spectators. Also, IDs WILL be required and must be presented at the table for anyone who plans to attend Motorin’ at the Metra on August 3. THERE WILL BE A DEDICATED ID CHECKER on this day. Lane will be speaking with Jason soon to get the details finalized. Thanks, Lane, for taking on this awesome task.

*Back up cable – It was proposed to get a backup cable for the timing system. All voted yes, should be around $30.

*Spending – It was also proposed to allow the President or Treasurer to spend $50 on items for the club without prior voting approval. Receipts will still need to be turned in for financials so no one is spending all of the club money on Glizzys or Hot Dog socks.


June 29-30 – Hot Shots at Helena RMESTC

July 13-14 – Coneageddon at YDS

August 3 – Motorin’ at the Metra

September 7-8 – Co-Op with Bozeman in Helena at RMESTC

Meeting adjourned in record time tonight, there was still some daylight as the sun set on another perfect day in Montana. Trinity showed up towards the end but didn’t bring any treats. Maybe next time. Many people talked about what fun could be had in Helena, Darrin was put in a headlock by Kindra, not sure why. He tapped out in 3 seconds. All is well.  

May Meeting Newsletter

Meeting 7-9pm-ish on May 8th, 2024, with the monthly meeting always happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. The large turnout included Carl, Kindra, Chris, Lane, Micah, Jared, David, Bryant, Darrin, Bill and Pepe, Caleb, Luke, and Matt. Our group of semi-talented drivers and owners of various cars laughed and shook the rain out of their hair as they settled in for the meeting tonight. Angie should be proud, as it was known by all tonight that Matt would do anything for a Kirkland chocolate chip granola bar. He’s such a good boy! Who’s a good boy?!? Meeting was brought to order by Kindra with an apple in one hand, and a pen in the other.

—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) graced us with their presence this evening*—-


Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $17,959.63, which does not include an outstanding check to CW for $1250. The check was written, and Carl did mail it out. It is still uncashed. Lane deposited $820 from Rally and holds about $700 in petty cash. RDO is still YR108’s unofficial sponsor and Carl will generate an invoice in order to collect the donation. Thank you RDO for helping the good times roll. It is believed that Rally this season was able to break even. It is up from last season where we did not break even. The numbers still need crunched but Lane reports that Rally profit this season is in the 3-figure range. The low 3 figures, guys. Go ahead and get excited. A win is a win! A profit is a profit.

*Upcoming expenses – Should this say “Past-expenses-that-still-need-paid-but-someone-refuses-to-take-our-money?” Maybe.

CW – $1250. The same $1250 that seems to be uncollected.

Aero Septic – $185 for past services. It would total the last 3 invoices. Thanks for paying for the can. Check is still uncashed.

Bridger light – It was suggested to wait until after the season opener at Bridger to make another attempt at repairing/replacing/buying and doing it ourselves runway light. There is concern that maybe another might just be wiped out. Tonight, Chris mentioned just letting a yellow Mustang wipe out another one and replace both at the same time. It could ease the pain of this Bridger Light Trauma and start the healing process. Not sure why yellow…. Could be sanded down blue. Or black. Or white…. Bryant says, “The saga continues” so keep your wigs on folks, because this could get exciting!

*RallyX – FINISHED! Grand Winner was announced and it is…. Drum roll please…..

DARRIN BY 3 POINTS!! WOOHOO! Congratulations!

Second place is Josh G, Third place is Luke, and Fourth place is Matt.

Congrats guys! Another one for the ages! Matt has been looking for a new venue to add to the Rally lineup. It is in the works, but he says it needs a little refining, and maybe a tree needs to be moved. Only just a bit to the left. No big deal. Also, YDS is looking real sharp. Portions of the old course have been recovered; some current course has been updated. Some 21 different variations (forwards and backwards) currently exist. So don’t neglect those Rally cars. The season is closer than you think.

*Track Master/Trailer Cleanup – Lane was dubbed “The Track Master” for YR 108. Thank you, Lane, for designing such fun courses for our club. And a big thank you for letting us crash your yard for trailer cleanup. Lots of fun, sun, hose, and snacks. Found a granola bar from who knows how long ago. The Brick was left in the trailer to fulfill a greater purpose in the future at an undesignated time and place.

*AutoX – Hooptie Day for this season was decided, and it’s going to be a Glizzy of a time, folks! (If you are unaware of what Glizzy means, it is a term for a hot dog. And you just lost a few cool points. Uncultured, sheesh.)  This season at YDS on June 9th will be Yellowstone Region 108’s Annual Hooptie Day. Hooptie rules apply. If your brain is a bit fuzzy on the terms of a Hooptie, keep reading.

A Hooptie is/has:

                1. Perceived value of less than $2000

                2. Non-sporty

                3. Low HP (we’re talking less than 160 here guys)

                4. Greater than 400 TW tires

This year Hooptie days will have the customary winnings for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place (Remember, 1st place is the new last place. No-one wants the Chalice of Excrement. Be strategic here. The real prize is 3rd, but Carl says “That cup of shit I won will forever say I am faster than Matt”). And speaking of Hoopties, the question of a Chevy Cobalt came up: How many is too many? Matt says 4 is a good start. One to have as a shit box, one to keep stock, one to have turbo and one to be really fast. Lane says to add another for Rallying. Luke was just excited about having so many.

*Archie Cochrane/Tech Day – Tech Day was a success! We had 33 cars that got pre-approval for AutoX. Jason got all 3 of his Mustangs out that day, including a really cool old one. He says it is slow, and more of a track car. Kindra convinced him to go get it anyways and tech it just in case he wanted to grandpa it out on course. Carl had the scales out too, and Bill was discussing the weight of the back glass panel on his Camaro. I guess it’s pretty heavy. Like “I’m not into dating big girls” heavy.

*HelmetsBe sure to dust off yours and bring them to Bridger and any event you come to so we can get as many approved as possible. If you have any extras lying around that you don’t use, or if you’ve just been using ours because you “can’t” find yours in your garage, time to start looking bruh. They will be in short supply, and it is an absolute rule to wear one as a driver and a passenger. If you’ve been thinking of buying a new one, make sure to look at the most recent SCCA rules to see accepted ratings. **

*Minor Waiver – Carl wants to remind those club members who have drivers and passengers under the age of 18 to get online and fill out the completely free Minor Waiver for this season. It’s free and required by the SCCA and it also takes a couple of weeks to be reviewed by the SCCA. Carl can see those on his end when complete, so get it done guy. You know who you are. I printed mine out to keep in my race bag, but you don’t have to go through all that since Carl knows all. Easy, simple, free, required for any underage driver or passenger. If you have questions about how to do it, contact a member that has kids or message YR108 on Facebook and we can help! (no ridiculing here) 😊 Safety One-st

*Bridger – Season Opener for YR108! WooHoo! Come and get it fellas (and ladies)!! Porta Pots will be delivered on Tuesday, Matt will jockey the trailer on Thursday, Luke will bring the water (Thanks you for helping keep us hydrated). Come blow the cobwebs out of your racecar in Bridger using compressed air (boring) or moderately spicy speeds (better) and let’s get this season off right!

*Business Cards – In the works, Micah and Lane are working on getting the details together. Detail faster!!! *ARRUGH* (Kindra is impatient and wants the cards yesterday)

*Cones – During trailer cleanup, cones were sorted and shi██ cones were separated from the nice cones. We may need more and will know soon enough at our upcoming events. Some of them were sad. And tired.

*Merch – Discussion included the numerous boxes piled up in Matt’s house and how we need to get rid of it. So, get some new merch and start rocking that new logo. Beanies, hats, sweatshirts, and T-shirts are ready to go home with you!

                Beanies, hats, T-Shirts – $15

                Sweatshirts – $25

Old merch/old logo will be sold at the new merch price and we will bring all the merch to Bozeman and Helena Events. Lane may have a YR 108 branded Do-Rag with a custom designed Glizzy for sale at YDS for Hooptie Day. Make sure to bring some cash to pick up your new YR108 body coverings. Lane also described having Amazon custom print YR108 merch as an online ordering scenario. We upload the logo and buyers can peruse the selection of apparel and colors at their leisure (on the pot). YR will get a portion of the sale and it will have no effort on our part. Every club member liked this idea of passive income, so much so that Matt even voted yes on this topic. (It was as if the granola bar helped in some way).

*Trailer costs – Lane and Carl both generally tow the trailer to places. It was brought up that maybe the club could front some of the cost of fuel for this. It was discussed that Carl will never take any money, Matt would pull a bit more often if fuel was cheaper, and Lane doesn’t care so much, but it would be nice to get thrown a bone occasionally. Lane thought a flat rate would be nice, as the government does. Matt thought the driver could just wing it with a max amount, because our club members aren’t going to try and gouge the club for money. Darrin thought the driver could have that day’s entry fee waived for trailer duties. After some discussion, club members voted to reimburse the trailer-pulling member an amount equivalent to the distance of the trip. Around town would be less than if it were Helena or Bozeman. Majority voted yes, Matt voted no. Lane place will be the new place for the trailer since he is flush with open space. Thank you, Lane. At some point, Carl will pack the bearings for the trailer. After Bridger, but before Helena. Thanks for keeping our crap mechanically sound. Thank you, Carl.

**I’d like to point out that Chris and Kindra are members of TWO different clubs. There seems to be some confusion about this topic. We are members of SCCA Yellowstone Region 108 AND Riverton Autocross. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME CLUB. Riverton Autocross and YR108 are separate entities, run by separate people. Riverton Autocross is NOT AN SCCA RECOGNIZED CLUB. Riverton racers, including their board members, come up here and participate, and Chris and Kindra go there and participate. Some of you hear us talk about Wyoming events, and we would love to have any YR108 SCCA members come down to Wyoming. The first is in Cody for the Mustang Rally in May. The festivities start on Thursday May 26, but the AutoX event is Sunday, May 26 at Fremont Motors in Cody, Wyoming. Riverton Autocross is just an infant club, (started in 2012) in comparison to SCCA, who is laying down their 80th year this year. If you have any questions about this topic, please reach out to Kindra or Chris and we can help clear the air or give information. **


May 18-19 – Bridger Season Opener 😊

June 8-9 – Acton Cross at YDS

June 29-30 – Hot Shots at Helena RMESTC

July 13-14 – Coneageddon at YDS

Meeting adjourned prematurely by Darrin and Lane but were quickly reminded that it was not their job. Bill and Pepe were the first to leave. Kindra and Chris left next so not sure exactly how long everyone stayed. Pretty sure Lane thinks he can use an assortment of tow assemblies to pull a camper using Yak. I will believe it when I see it.

April Meeting Newsletter

Meeting 7-9pm-ish on April 10th, 2024, with the monthly meeting always happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. The large turnout included Carl, Tate S., Jerod S., Bryant, Jared K., Lane, Kindra, Chris, Luke, Darrin, Micah, Bill, Pepe The Doggo and Matt. Our circle/oval of members was a laughing, jolly bunch with many stories to tell prior to commencing tonight’s meeting. Darrin spoke of a certain lady of the night, Delores, that has become smitten with him and lasagna. He reports phone calls from her at least 4 times a day. Could this be a new love interest? What would happen if he turned her down? What if the lasagna is substandard?!? Stay tuned to “As The Wrenches Turn”.

—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) graced us with their presence this evening*—-


Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $17,959.63, which does not include a cash deposit and an outstanding check to CW for $1250. The check will be written, and Carl will mail it out. (This is a BIG task that the one and only El Jefe could be responsible for). RDO is still YR108’s unofficial sponsor and Carl will generate an invoice in order to collect the donation. *YAY!*

*Upcoming expenses –

Microsoft account – $100 per year. This is for Microsoft programs, excel, and such.

Google One – $20 per year for 10 TB of storage in the cloud. Allows club officers access to whatever crap that is stored in the Cloud. Duh.

Dynamic Designs – Apparel order, will cost the club $3,976 and some coin and will pay for the hats and shirts that took so long to be agreed on. Return on this investment? The return will be better if everyone comes out and buys some new gear for the new season. Beanies are sure to be a hot (literally) item on a chilly morning setting up the track. Hoodies and T-shirts will all have our new logo designed by Darrin and Micah. Be sure to get some!

Aero Septic – $185 for past services. It would total the last 3 invoices. Thanks for paying for the can.

Bridger light – It was suggested to wait until after the season opener at Bridger to make another attempt at repairing/replacing/buying and doing it ourselves runway light. There is concern that maybe another might just be wiped out. The driver that does just that exact thing could be liable for 50% of the costs and *COULD* be banned from the FAA for life if damaged, or so Bill says. Talk included just taking out a light with the plane rather than a car, and Bryant thinks going at it inverted could be an great idea. Darrin says it would be more important to think about the cockpit than the light if the plane were inverted…. Most club members agreed. Aerial Acrobatics is not looking promising as a new venture by YR108.

*RallyX – FINISHED! Grand Winner will be announced when points have been tallied. Be on the lookout for that smiling face of a winner! The one who stole the season!! The most exceptional driver for YR 108 RallyCross!!! The Best-Looking person to ever grace the track in their beat-up sh—- Well, I can’t give away the winner because we don’t know who it is! Keep your eyes peeled folks. The last RallyX event was held at BSS on April 14th. Jerod S. threatened to whoop Matt’s butt on a dirt bike…. Not sure how that turned out cuz I didn’t go but I bet it would have been entertaining.

*The AutoX schedule is done – Check out the Facebook page and website for details. Also, if you only want to do one event, make sure it is the co-op with Bozeman on September 7-8. Loren is excited for us to make this event and utilize the full course, and we all know how fun it is when Loren attends our events.

*Trailer cleanup – Can’t have fun without doing some crap jobs. The trailer will need to be cleaned and the cones polished. We want those bright and shiny cones blinding our competition early during the events so they know first thing that they’re gonna get clapped. The date is set for April 28 and will happen at Lane’s house at 1 pm, so message Lane for the address. Yes, there will be more cone cookies….. Maybe this time these cone cookies will be *shiny and NOT black or dirrrrty* to reflect our efforts in the cleanup! (Plus, it’s easier….). Repairs to the trailer will also be done.

*The Brick – There was discussion about whether to keep or toss The Brick. Carl questioned the random Brick and its usefulness. Luke mentioned that if a Tesla were to spontaneously combust, it would be useful to throw towards the offending appliance as a Tesla Fire Extinguishing Object. However unlikely that will be, we agreed to keep The Brick as an enforcer of the rule of law. Its explicit job description is still undecided. FAFO

*YDS Cleanup – Rally really throws the dirt and mud, and someone needs to put it back in its original (or close to original) place. Clean up at YDS was Saturday, April 21 @ 8 am. Come out and see what shenanigans will be going on. I think there will be 3 (?) pieces of heavy equipment movin’ some dirt and puttin’ in the work. Sure to be fun out there as it always is. Goals are to fix the track from this season’s wreckage as well as recover a portion of track that has aged and has been lost to the wild Montana overgrowth. Bill is going to ask John about dropping off a blade out there to use. Should make it go a lot quicker.

*Archie Cochrane – Jason approved Tech Day Saturday May 4th, from 11 am to 3 pm at the dealership in the Front Lot, no less and it’s paved! We really lucked out this year to have such a sweet opportunity! We will have a pretty snappy-looking tent next to the used car lot and the street. There are ideas about the grassy areas between the lot and the street to help bring in curious folks and I think we will be able to park on that grass, so wash that dirty-ass car. There will be lots of bidirectional traffic to draw in new drivers and lots of curious people, so take a shower guys. We gotta make sure we give a good impression. There is talk about a few trophies for the Archie Cochrane sponsored event, maybe some shirts or hats. Not decided just yet. Lane says he is locked in with the Focus, and Bill is doing a repair or two to the Camaro that may (or may not) pass tech and involves a grinder…. should be an interesting and fun Saturday. So, come get your crap done early this year. You can hang out with only the coolest, hippest, and funniest club members, and avoid the Season-Opener-“Tech-My-Car-I-Did-New-Stuff-But-I-Have-To-Wait-My-Turn”-Rush out at Bridger so your attention can be paid to the new tarmac they’re supposed to have laid down at the end of last summer.

*Helmets – Topic introduced to question our ability to safely provide helmets to ALL the drivers and spectators expected to come to the sponsored Metra Event. It is sure to have record attendance. Kindra mentioned that the number of helmets owned by YR108 is minimal compared to the expected attendance, and suggested we ask Loren and his club number 52 in Bozeman to bring their helmets to use. Kindra also discussed purchasing a few more helmets and checking the expiration dates but they are already staggered (good) and trailer space is limited (bad) so that idea was voted down. Members agreed that during the Sponsored Event, we could have a dedicated club member juggling the helmet situation between drivers/riders as they enter and exit the course, like the Grid Worker. “Helmet Runner?” We will see what/if Loren can bring any helmets. **Be sure to dust off yours and bring them to Tech Day so we can get as many approved as possible. If you have any extras lying around that you don’t use, or if you’ve just been using ours because you “can’t” find yours in your garage, time to start looking bruh. They will be in short supply, and it is an absolute rule to wear one as a driver and a passenger. If you’ve been thinking of buying a new one, make sure to look at the most recent SCCA rules to see accepted ratings. **

*RDO – We will have a sponsorship from RDO again, as they are dubbed our “Unofficial Sponsor.” We will continue putting their logo on the clothing merch as it is ordered to help support and recognize this steadfast and repeating donor. So, if you need a new John Deere Tractor or any other associated technologies, go see those guys. They got that John Deere Green for your girl Arlene.

*Corvette Club – They were a bit late getting us their dates and we are unable to coordinate our schedules. We will try again next year, and hopefully we will be early enough. Who wouldn’t want to wipe the track with their faces on their home turf and not in a Corvette?!? Tabled for now.

*Business Cards – Chris had the idea of passing out business cards to help grow the sport and quickly drew up a rough drawing about his vision mid-meeting. Lane motioned for the pass-out cards, with all but 2 members voting for them. Surprisingly, Matt liked the idea although he did vote against it along with Jerod S. It is typical, he likes to rock the metaphorical boat and literal jet ski as he vividly describes post-meeting. The budget was set at $100 for approximately 1,000 cards. These cards will have Facebook and website information that someone can search up if they choose. The idea is that if a club member were walking through the Chik-Fil-A parking lot and saw a cool car that would be fun to compete against or looked like it was moderately exciting to drive, we could put a card on their car for them to learn about our club. Or if someone were in the dental chair and discussion came up about 3 cylinders and turbos or a Camaro or Mustang or Subaru, they could have a card for them to look up what an actual fast car can do and maybe become one of the cool kids. Kindra says she would write appointment dates for patients on them instead of the regular cards if she were allowed to.

*Season Pass – Season Passes for club members were brought up for discussion. It was proposed to allow a discount to any driver who wanted to pay for all the events at once. There were many ideas about how to implement this. MSR, the Sponsorship, checking in drivers manually…. All these roadblocks came up and it was decided that it was a little late in the season for this idea. We will evaluate as AutoX progresses this summer. The idea is tabled for now.

*Points for AutoX – It was brought up about having a points system in line for AutoX, but PAX is really how that is implemented. Not much more was discussed about that.

*RallyX rule book – The points system is in progress for RallyX, and Matt is working on the rule book for next season. We hope to have in hand and on paper (Word.doc) a bona fide Rally Rule Book for YR108. Ground rules are as follows (so far):

#1. Registering gets you five points.

#2. Driver gets one point for each car that he/she beats, regardless of class. (For example: 10 drivers, 1st place driver gets 9 points…. 7th place driver gets 3 points… 10th place would receive no points).

 #3. The points will follow the driver, not the car.

 #4. The car used for that event MUST be the car that is registered for that day. The list will be set at the start of the race which has been designated as when the track goes hot. The starting light is the end for any car switching. (This sets the list in the computer and on paper and makes it fair for anyone trying to switch cars to advance their placement in the lineup).

Matt will have the Official/Unofficial YR 108 RallyX Rule Book. May be available for purchase. Autobiography might be on the back sleeve. It is a slow process as Matt can’t read very fa— I mean works too much he declares.

*Rule Book – SCCA rule book is out for this season and it was brought up to vote on purchasing a current hard copy. Majority voted yes, Lane will look into a hard copy rather than a digital copy to keep in the trailer for reference.

*Cones – During trailer cleanup, cone count will be evaluated, and dead cones will be taken out of service and disposed of in a dignified manner. Services for our fallen cone-rads will be scheduled at a later date, and condolences can be paid to any club member, as they are the closest to the recently departed. (Literally the closest….). The average cone shrink is 40-50 a year, but with the cone winnings by cool members from out-of-town events, it breaks even most years. Wanna win a cone for the club? Go to an event, guy.

 *RallyX Fiscal Year – Decided that May 1 to April 30 is the logical answer. Tech will be seasonal rather than yearly. Also logical since Rally spans the calendar year change in December/January.


April 21 – Fix the dirt out at the YDS course at 8 am.

April 28 – Trailer cleanout at Lane’s house at 1 pm (message him for address)

May 4 – Tech Day at Archie Cochrane Ford on their Front Lot 11 am to 3 pm

May 18-19 – Bridger Season Opener 😊

Meeting adjourned at 8:16pm. Fun, fast, hard and full of information, club meetings are the bees knees. Darrin was concerned about the time it takes to change an air filter on a Honda Prelude. Apparently, it is not an easy job and it took almost 2 hours. But I speculate he was being interrupted by Delores and her lasagna fetish. Matt vividly described how to properly and improperly mount a Jet Ski. Want to learn how to “properly” rebead a tire that has been debeaded? It involves flammable liquid. Probably BraKleen. Lane can tell you, but it’s best to come to the meetings and get the scoop firsthand. It’s always fun. Always entertaining. Never a disappointment and I always name everyone that is there and it’s always in order, starting with Carl. You can sit by him if you want. I usually take the chair that spins.

March Meeting Newsletter

Meeting 7-9pm-ish on March 13th, 2024, with the monthly meeting always happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. The large turnout included Carl, Matt, Jared, Micah, Darrin, Luke, Briant, Lane, David, Estephan, Caleb, Chris and Kindra. That is one more than ever before, and Carl had to go dig up another chair. Literally. It was dirty, ancient, and kind of leaned to the side. 

—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) graced us with their presence this evening*—-

TREASURERS REPORT – Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $17,736.95, which does not include a $77 payment that needs sent out for Tech Stickers and an outstanding check to CW for $1250. (This is up from $750 due to more use of his property and plans are to take CW payment out of RDO sponsorship). Also not included is an outstanding payment from MSR, no payments deposited for Rally thus far, and a fair amount of cash to deposit. Word in the shop is that Rally is breaking even this year, and that the treasurer’s report prior to this season of Rally was in the 16-27k range.

Rally – As we wrap up another fun season of the emotional trauma we call Rally, our event March 10th at Big Sky Speedway was a hit. Lots of cars, lots of spectators, and lots of dust. It was a beautiful day too. Spring is right around the corner! There was even a certain Beetle making some lame Knock-Knock jokes. I guess they were more along the lines of Tap-Tap jokes, and they were pretty sad actually. Getting into the course was at the last minute, the gate code was not quite relayed to our guys for early set up. But they worked hard (or was it hardly working…) 😊 and did a fantastic job. It was a long and fast course!

There is nothing new for the next Rally, and Build Wars is in the works at YDS. Come join us at YDS for the last Rally of 2023-2024 season, April 14. This is the last event to clinch that 1st place title and hopefully it is another beautiful day. Sure to be fun, exciting, and high adrenaline to see who will take home the title of Rally Champ! Word of caution, be sure to keep all of your adrenaline in your custom embroidered Do-Rag or thong. This is the most logical place to store it. Lane can hook you up with those if you are interested.

Screen/Live Timing – The monitor/TV on the outside of the trailer was exceptionally awesome at BSS this past event. The screen was able to display the record of times (some faster, some slower….), the last 20-25 people in order of runs (Darrin was trying to jump the line in front of Matt), the last lap with cone penalties (some without penalties, some with many penalties). Chris bought and donated a TV mount for the screen, as this past weekend it was ratchet strapped to the wheel fender on the trailer. This TV mount might be able to allow the monitor to be at the nose of the trailer and in higher view for more people to see. If the TV mount doesn’t work, we will take it back and give it to Kindra’s mom. She needs one too but doesn’t know the wonderful benefits of a mounted TV just yet. She is old.

Axware – was having a complete meltdown at BSS and needed some fruit snax and a nap during the March Rally event. Apparently, there was an update, and some new uploads were done recently as is done every year. It seems to be a communication issue between the software and the hardware (Axware vs. FarmTec). I guess there is some sort of update that can be done without the uploads and Lane will work on rolling back (down grading) the software to fix this issue. Uploads include new PAX time measurements, and those can be entered manually just as easily and without the software throwing its fruit snax on the floor and then and demanding more fruit snax. Hopefully Lane can get Axware to cooperate before the next Rally. Upgrading the hardware was discussed, but Pronto is very expensive and costs hundreds every weekend, whereas Axware costs a couple hundred a year. At this time, we don’t have a rich benefactor in a top hat to give us this new system, or pay for it for us, so we will keep Axware as is and try to get it to settle down before the next event. The threat of time out are ongoing.

Blah Blah Blah…. Bridger runway light debt is still outstanding, blah blah blah. Many attempts…. *Yawn*. Something about the light and fixing it. Will attempt again. (Yes, copy and paste here). The discussion this evening was to bake a rather large pie of unknown flavor and cook the payment right into it so YR can be free from the weight of debt.  Bridger is not quite final, but there is no stress here. Things fall into place relatively well. Matt and Carl will go to the Bridger City council meeting April 2 to finalize.

The AutoX schedule is done. Metra dates are solidified, Carl just needs a price from them. As for the Helena events, Matt is on it, and the rules and regulations will be the same as last year. We will pay after the event. Remember, if there isn’t a load of pre-registration for the co-op with Bozeman September 7-8, Loren won’t be able to use the full lot. Please make sure to come, even if it is the only event you drive out of town for. Loren is excited for us to make this event, and we all know how fun it is when Loren attends our events. YR will bring timing stuff just in case. Be sure to give Bozeman all the props for this event. They are gonna get smashed and they don’t even know it yet. Thank you, Matt, for doing your volun-told assigned duties. (I am leaving this in for repetition. I want everyone to come because I want to use the full lot. It sounds like it will be a blast!) Please make sure to set aside vacation time from work, schmooze up to the GF or BF, Wife or Hubby, get your chores done up early, order those racing parts and slap on a new-to-you set of rubber so we can get as many drivers out to this event as possible!!

Trailer cleanup. Can’t have fun without doing some crap jobs. The trailer will need to be cleaned and the cones polished for this summer. We want those bright and shiny cones blinding our competition early so they know first thing that they’re gonna get clapped this year. We agreed that the trailer cleanup day will be after the last Rally April 14, (last day for Rally camouflage) but before Tech Day (May 4th). Date is set on April 28 and will happen at Lane’s house. Yes, there will be more cone cookies….. Maybe this time these cone cookies will be *shiny and NOT black or dirrrrty*

Merch. Discussion was held about the number and colors and style of remaining merchandise held by YR 108. It was put to vote and decided that 50 ball caps in each color blue and driftwood will be ordered, 50 beanies in the color and style of the seller’s choice. We are leaving fate (Dynamic Designs) to decide this important decision, so it doesn’t matter even if they’re ugly, we expect every member to buy one. No exceptions.

Shirts and sweatshirts will be ordered in the amounts of 66 sweatshirts, 100 t-shirts and will include the new logo with the majority of sizes being L and XL. No one wanted white, years past they were used for rags after they failed to sell. It was voted and decided to have a nice darker grey and a brighter blue that is nice and attractive. (Baby blue and B5 Blue were NOT chosen as they are awful colors.)

Archie Cochrane – Lane was able to reach Jason and discussion was had about the sponsorship. Jason approved Tech Day at the dealership, in the Front Lot, no less! Also, he wants to do a radio ad and pay for entry fees and a Metra Event. It was decided that 6k would cover one day at the Metra, porta pots, and 100 registrations for one day. When Micah has the new logo finalized, we will send it to Jason for advertising. We will put our new logo on the shirts that Jason will make, and we are hoping for some cheaper t-shirts this year, as the last ones were hella-sweaty and thicccccc, Matt reports. It was discussed and planned that we would have Jason sponsor the August 3 event, radio ads, limited registrations, and trophies for a set number of overall umbrella classes. Talks included capping the free registrations at 100, as concern was expressed about not giving away so many free registrations that we overrun our ability to conduct a safe event, while still allowing as many as possible to ‘drive up’ the interest in SCCA. August was chosen because there was still time for those that are new to get another event or two under the belts of new drivers before the end of AutoX season. This could allow them to continue finding interest in SCCA before the snow flies. Some rules about the radio ad include: NO “RACING, COMPETING” words, no minors, (18+ and this will be strictly enforced), and must pass tech inspection Also discussed was how to allow MSR to get the registrations to be free, without them taking $2 out of a no charged registration. It was discussed that we could charge $5, and then MSR could take their $2, and the drivers would get their $5 back at the end of the day so we could do Buck Runs. More to come with this developing awesomeness. Any ideas should be brought to the meetings…. (hint, hint)

RDO – We will have a sponsorship from RDO again, and we will continue putting their logo on the clothing merch as it is ordered to help support and recognize this steadfast and repeating donor.

Safety Stewards – Briant is waiting for volunteers for safety stewards. He has the coursework together. If you are interested in helping out with this, let him know. The registration is online, and interested persons must log in to their SCCA account to initiate the process. Steps are so simple, even a race car driver can do it!

1. Ask Divisional for permission to become a Safety Steward (Easy!)

2. Fill out the online application (So simple!)

3. Shadow 2 events (Rally Safety Steward is not the same as AutoX Safety Steward, it is a different form and NOT interchangeable) (have fun AND learn?!? WOW!!)

4. Finally, there is application verification (Make sure you did the right steps in the right order and learned all the right things. Also easy!!)

Remember, without our Safety Stewards, we couldn’t have the fun times we do. Please consider signing up for this important position! As always, a big thank you to all our Safety Stewards for everything you do to keep us up and running safely!


April 14 – Last Rally at YDS ☹

April 21 – Fix the dirt out at the Rally course, and if the 21 is a crappy weather day, will do the 28th.

April 28 – Trailer cleanout at Lane’s house (message him for address)

May 4 – Tech Day at Archie Cochrane’s front Lot

May 18-19 – Bridger Season Opener 😊

As always, monthly club meetings are fun and exciting. Many ideas, fun discussions, and fun people. Discussion post-adjourning involved the upcoming Hooptie and what the challenge this year might be. Many ideas were presented, but I believe a winning idea involves, well, I guess you just should have been there.

February Meeting Newsletter

Meeting 7-9pm-ish on February 8th, 2024, with the monthly meeting always happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. The large-ish turnout included Carl, Matt, Angie, Kindra, Chris, Lane, Darrin, Steven, Luke, Briant, Jessica and Dave. The parking lot was full up with a decent smattering of vehicles that could rival some of the premium shit-boxes that are brought in for repair on the daily.

—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) graced us with their presence this evening*—-


Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $17,702.26, which does not include an outstanding check to CW for $750, a payment from MSR, and cash to deposit. Lane reports he is eager to get the balance up past $23k and beat our old high score.

*Blah Blah Blah…. Bridger runway light debt is still outstanding, blah blah blah. Many attempts…. *Yawn*. Something about the light and fixing it. Will attempt again. Bridger is not quite final, but Kristen will be contacted, and we will set that date with her sometime in April. The Laurel Airport was suggested to be used, but it was mentioned that since it is in Billings airspace or region or control or something, it can’t be used, and they told our representative to kick rocks.

*The AutoX schedule is done. *Yay!* The posters are printed. *Tight!* They do look cool in fact! We were not able to proofread them, but it should be fine. Unsure of RDO sponsorship at this time, so unfortunately the RDO logo is not on there. Kindra did in fact take 5. One for work and other ideas. Don’t judge. We were able to sign the Charter with SCCA and finalize the contract with Helena. Remember, if there isn’t a load of pre-registration for the co-op with Bozeman September 7-8, Loren won’t be able to use the full lot. Please make sure to come, even if it is the only event. Loren is excited for us to make this event, and we all know how fun it is when Loren attends our events. YR will bring timing stuff just in case and no cones. Bozeman will sanction and pay all fees, we may get some of the proceeds, but unsure at this time if or how much. Be sure to give Bozeman all the props for this event. They are gonna get smashed and they don’t even know it yet. Thank you, Matt, for doing your volun-told assigned duties.

*Rally and trailer cleanup. Can’t have fun without doing some crap jobs. The trailer will need to be cleaned and the cones polished for this summer. We agreed that the trailer cleanup day will be after the last Rally (last day for mudding up our beautiful cones) but before Tech Day. Can’t be having any embarrassing dirty trailer moments during Tech Day and scare any potential sucke—I mean future club members. The trailer clean-up will be at Lane’s, but the exact date is weather dependent. So, for now, the date is TBD. Keep your ears open for that news. Many hands make light work and there may even be more cone cookies…..

*Corvette Club – Lane reports that the Corvette Club is willing to co-op an event with us sometime, or maybe with Great Falls. Our schedule is set relatively early this year (Thanks, Carl!) So we can’t tie down to a specific date with them. Details are a bit fuzzy, but we discussed using our timing, and they pay for the event. We think they may have suggested September 2nd, which is Labor Day. We did talk about inviting them to Helena. Kindra wants to see the whooping they are gonna get, especially by Tyler, which will be quite embarrassing. More to come.

*Merch. Tonight, we had at least 8 good ideas for a new logo. Most were centered around cones and the words “Yellowstone”. One design included the rims, and some club members didn’t prefer that one too much. Darrin was caught and later admitted to sniffing the whiteboard markers. He seemed rather confused this evening. The logo challenge gave many ideas tonight, and Carl suggested the logos should be sent to the officers and the voting will happen by them. Everyone in attendance agreed that this was the most feasible option to vote. A ████ ███████ was drawn, and discussion circled around ███████. Kindra had no clue what that was but seemed to know quite a bit about the Montana shut down and circumventing those regulations. We are certain there will be a lot of WiFi turned off tonight to check the validity of this news. We decided to continue selling merch at cost. Matt will count and put together the number of remaining items in the trailer. It was voted to order 50 hats in blue and grey, and even though he says blue is his favorite, Matt voted against the blue hats. How rude. Steven was concerned about how 20% was really not all too different in the grand scheme of things, so it was decided to order 50 hats vs 40 hats. The majority voted to allow Stitch Design to choose the best-selling beanies for our logo. Stickers were brought up again, and it became clear that most everyone in our club has a sticker fetish. Lane volunteered to secure cone stickers, not too tall and still vinyl, to give away at select events. Kindra suggested maybe to give them out at the season opener, and another select event. It was suggested that maybe the last event too, the Metra Meltdown. Darrin thinks they could be made, but there wasn’t much discussion surrounding this idea, and the idea died like the dry erase markers in Darrin’s hands.

*Archie Cochrane – Lane is still working on contacting Jason and hashing out the details for the sponsorship. We hope he can be just as charming with Jason and Archie Cochrane as he is on the course. Ball rolling on this.

*Safety Stewards – Briant is still working on and waiting for volunteers and the training program for the safety stewards. He is working on getting the coursework together. If you are interested in helping out with this, let him know. Remember, without our Safety Stewards, we couldn’t have the fun times we do. Please consider signing up for this important position! As always, thank you Safety Stewards for everything you do!

*National Convention – Micah fed his short notes from a short power point into AI and came up with even shorter bullet points from the National Convention. If you ask, he could probably provide you with a copy. Some notable points are E Street. It seems the SCCA is trying to keep ES a more affordable class for first time drivers. It was also mentioned that there may be “Licensed Course Designers” by 2025. We read between the lines on this point and many members tonight felt that might be like the online style that a Safety Steward class would be like. In the packet, there was a whole page on tips for presenting the Driver’s Meeting. Some key topics include setting the tone for the day, mentioning sponsors, being clear and simple with the presentation, and making sure to have an inviting atmosphere. Rally is gaining traction with Nationals (no pun intended), and the subject of side by sides (SxS) was introduced. There are very strict rules with SxS, and YR discussed whether to allow SxS in Rally and try to follow, or at least try to implement these very important safety rules. Discussion involved everything from style and design to exclusion and personality types. In the end, the majority voted no.

*Rally and the Points – Rally from January 21st included many new drivers and some great weather as well. I believe we ended the day with a record-breaking 21 entries! An item of discussion was brought up concerning the 999.9 time given to a driver when switching a car. This switch may be from a vehicle breakdown, or any other reason. Much discussion was centered around if Rally is for the prize, for the glory, or for the fun and excitement. Lane points out: if a person runs a different car any time during the Rally event, what happens to the time? Briant states that in the SCCA rule book a car can be changed any time prior to the heat in which it is scheduled or registered. May questions were raised, does class matter in Rally? Is participation more important than points? How do we measure or change points moving forward? Rally is a work in motion, a style still in its infancy. Many present tonight questioned the goal for Rally: endurance (driving the car responsibly to still have a car to take home), skill (driving the car with enough skill to be competitive, while also knowing the car’s limits), or balls (to drive the car like it doesn’t matter the cost of repair)? Eventually (after about an hour or so of deliberations…) there were 2 options formulated:

1 – Following the conclusion of the safety meeting, the “registered vehicle” is the one you drive for the remainder of the event. If switched for ANY reason, 999.9 time will be given for any remaining runs.
2 – Car “used” (not specifically “registered”) will be car used for the remainder of event and this decision becomes final when the group the car is registered with (1 or 2) starts their turn.

The majority voted for option 1. This and other rules still need to be further defined. Carl motioned that Matt was to be the designer and keeper of the new and very important Rally Rulebook. The majority voted for Matt being the one for this momentous task, with one voting no. Matt.

Finally, it was discussed that the trailer needed a hammer for pounding in the cone frames. Kindra suggested a 10lb hammer. Matt said no because he is a baby. Chris volunteered to go and buy one and it is currently sitting in the free bucket that was given with any purchase from Harbor Freight. Kindra will take it out to Rally at the next event, February 18th at 8am. (Not the bucket tho, hands off) Come and enjoy our very warm winter weather and be part of the mud-flinging, trash-talking, glizzy-eating group that comprises the usual crowd. It really is fun, and we would love to see you there. It is always exciting. Drivers Meeting is at 9am or so don’t be late.

Monthly club meetings are fun and exciting. As always, look to the YR Facebook page and the provided email for times and dates. Many ideas, fun discussions, and fun people. Try to make at least one meeting. Part of being a club member is more than just reading the newsletter! Heck, if you got to the bottom of this extensive list of topics, you may as well come to the meetings! Unless you’re reading this in your underwear, then we kindly ask you to be dressed during meeting attendance. How you drive to and from the meeting is up to you. I don’t judge.