Meeting 7-9pm-ish on May 8th, 2024, with the monthly meeting always happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. The large turnout included Carl, Kindra, Chris, Lane, Micah, Jared, David, Bryant, Darrin, Bill and Pepe, Caleb, Luke, and Matt. Our group of semi-talented drivers and owners of various cars laughed and shook the rain out of their hair as they settled in for the meeting tonight. Angie should be proud, as it was known by all tonight that Matt would do anything for a Kirkland chocolate chip granola bar. He’s such a good boy! Who’s a good boy?!? Meeting was brought to order by Kindra with an apple in one hand, and a pen in the other.
—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) graced us with their presence this evening*—-
Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $17,959.63, which does not include an outstanding check to CW for $1250. The check was written, and Carl did mail it out. It is still uncashed. Lane deposited $820 from Rally and holds about $700 in petty cash. RDO is still YR108’s unofficial sponsor and Carl will generate an invoice in order to collect the donation. Thank you RDO for helping the good times roll. It is believed that Rally this season was able to break even. It is up from last season where we did not break even. The numbers still need crunched but Lane reports that Rally profit this season is in the 3-figure range. The low 3 figures, guys. Go ahead and get excited. A win is a win! A profit is a profit.
*Upcoming expenses – Should this say “Past-expenses-that-still-need-paid-but-someone-refuses-to-take-our-money?” Maybe.
CW – $1250. The same $1250 that seems to be uncollected.
Aero Septic – $185 for past services. It would total the last 3 invoices. Thanks for paying for the can. Check is still uncashed.
Bridger light – It was suggested to wait until after the season opener at Bridger to make another attempt at repairing/replacing/buying and doing it ourselves runway light. There is concern that maybe another might just be wiped out. Tonight, Chris mentioned just letting a yellow Mustang wipe out another one and replace both at the same time. It could ease the pain of this Bridger Light Trauma and start the healing process. Not sure why yellow…. Could be sanded down blue. Or black. Or white…. Bryant says, “The saga continues” so keep your wigs on folks, because this could get exciting!
*RallyX – FINISHED! Grand Winner was announced and it is…. Drum roll please…..
DARRIN BY 3 POINTS!! WOOHOO! Congratulations!
Second place is Josh G, Third place is Luke, and Fourth place is Matt.
Congrats guys! Another one for the ages! Matt has been looking for a new venue to add to the Rally lineup. It is in the works, but he says it needs a little refining, and maybe a tree needs to be moved. Only just a bit to the left. No big deal. Also, YDS is looking real sharp. Portions of the old course have been recovered; some current course has been updated. Some 21 different variations (forwards and backwards) currently exist. So don’t neglect those Rally cars. The season is closer than you think.
*Track Master/Trailer Cleanup – Lane was dubbed “The Track Master” for YR 108. Thank you, Lane, for designing such fun courses for our club. And a big thank you for letting us crash your yard for trailer cleanup. Lots of fun, sun, hose, and snacks. Found a granola bar from who knows how long ago. The Brick was left in the trailer to fulfill a greater purpose in the future at an undesignated time and place.
*AutoX – Hooptie Day for this season was decided, and it’s going to be a Glizzy of a time, folks! (If you are unaware of what Glizzy means, it is a term for a hot dog. And you just lost a few cool points. Uncultured, sheesh.) This season at YDS on June 9th will be Yellowstone Region 108’s Annual Hooptie Day. Hooptie rules apply. If your brain is a bit fuzzy on the terms of a Hooptie, keep reading.
A Hooptie is/has:
1. Perceived value of less than $2000
2. Non-sporty
3. Low HP (we’re talking less than 160 here guys)
4. Greater than 400 TW tires
This year Hooptie days will have the customary winnings for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place (Remember, 1st place is the new last place. No-one wants the Chalice of Excrement. Be strategic here. The real prize is 3rd, but Carl says “That cup of shit I won will forever say I am faster than Matt”). And speaking of Hoopties, the question of a Chevy Cobalt came up: How many is too many? Matt says 4 is a good start. One to have as a shit box, one to keep stock, one to have turbo and one to be really fast. Lane says to add another for Rallying. Luke was just excited about having so many.
*Archie Cochrane/Tech Day – Tech Day was a success! We had 33 cars that got pre-approval for AutoX. Jason got all 3 of his Mustangs out that day, including a really cool old one. He says it is slow, and more of a track car. Kindra convinced him to go get it anyways and tech it just in case he wanted to grandpa it out on course. Carl had the scales out too, and Bill was discussing the weight of the back glass panel on his Camaro. I guess it’s pretty heavy. Like “I’m not into dating big girls” heavy.
*Helmets – Be sure to dust off yours and bring them to Bridger and any event you come to so we can get as many approved as possible. If you have any extras lying around that you don’t use, or if you’ve just been using ours because you “can’t” find yours in your garage, time to start looking bruh. They will be in short supply, and it is an absolute rule to wear one as a driver and a passenger. If you’ve been thinking of buying a new one, make sure to look at the most recent SCCA rules to see accepted ratings. **
*Minor Waiver – Carl wants to remind those club members who have drivers and passengers under the age of 18 to get online and fill out the completely free Minor Waiver for this season. It’s free and required by the SCCA and it also takes a couple of weeks to be reviewed by the SCCA. Carl can see those on his end when complete, so get it done guy. You know who you are. I printed mine out to keep in my race bag, but you don’t have to go through all that since Carl knows all. Easy, simple, free, required for any underage driver or passenger. If you have questions about how to do it, contact a member that has kids or message YR108 on Facebook and we can help! (no ridiculing here) 😊 Safety One-st
*Bridger – Season Opener for YR108! WooHoo! Come and get it fellas (and ladies)!! Porta Pots will be delivered on Tuesday, Matt will jockey the trailer on Thursday, Luke will bring the water (Thanks you for helping keep us hydrated). Come blow the cobwebs out of your racecar in Bridger using compressed air (boring) or moderately spicy speeds (better) and let’s get this season off right!
*Business Cards – In the works, Micah and Lane are working on getting the details together. Detail faster!!! *ARRUGH* (Kindra is impatient and wants the cards yesterday)
*Cones – During trailer cleanup, cones were sorted and shi██ cones were separated from the nice cones. We may need more and will know soon enough at our upcoming events. Some of them were sad. And tired.

*Merch – Discussion included the numerous boxes piled up in Matt’s house and how we need to get rid of it. So, get some new merch and start rocking that new logo. Beanies, hats, sweatshirts, and T-shirts are ready to go home with you!
Beanies, hats, T-Shirts – $15
Sweatshirts – $25
Old merch/old logo will be sold at the new merch price and we will bring all the merch to Bozeman and Helena Events. Lane may have a YR 108 branded Do-Rag with a custom designed Glizzy for sale at YDS for Hooptie Day. Make sure to bring some cash to pick up your new YR108 body coverings. Lane also described having Amazon custom print YR108 merch as an online ordering scenario. We upload the logo and buyers can peruse the selection of apparel and colors at their leisure (on the pot). YR will get a portion of the sale and it will have no effort on our part. Every club member liked this idea of passive income, so much so that Matt even voted yes on this topic. (It was as if the granola bar helped in some way).
*Trailer costs – Lane and Carl both generally tow the trailer to places. It was brought up that maybe the club could front some of the cost of fuel for this. It was discussed that Carl will never take any money, Matt would pull a bit more often if fuel was cheaper, and Lane doesn’t care so much, but it would be nice to get thrown a bone occasionally. Lane thought a flat rate would be nice, as the government does. Matt thought the driver could just wing it with a max amount, because our club members aren’t going to try and gouge the club for money. Darrin thought the driver could have that day’s entry fee waived for trailer duties. After some discussion, club members voted to reimburse the trailer-pulling member an amount equivalent to the distance of the trip. Around town would be less than if it were Helena or Bozeman. Majority voted yes, Matt voted no. Lane place will be the new place for the trailer since he is flush with open space. Thank you, Lane. At some point, Carl will pack the bearings for the trailer. After Bridger, but before Helena. Thanks for keeping our crap mechanically sound. Thank you, Carl.
**I’d like to point out that Chris and Kindra are members of TWO different clubs. There seems to be some confusion about this topic. We are members of SCCA Yellowstone Region 108 AND Riverton Autocross. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME CLUB. Riverton Autocross and YR108 are separate entities, run by separate people. Riverton Autocross is NOT AN SCCA RECOGNIZED CLUB. Riverton racers, including their board members, come up here and participate, and Chris and Kindra go there and participate. Some of you hear us talk about Wyoming events, and we would love to have any YR108 SCCA members come down to Wyoming. The first is in Cody for the Mustang Rally in May. The festivities start on Thursday May 26, but the AutoX event is Sunday, May 26 at Fremont Motors in Cody, Wyoming. Riverton Autocross is just an infant club, (started in 2012) in comparison to SCCA, who is laying down their 80th year this year. If you have any questions about this topic, please reach out to Kindra or Chris and we can help clear the air or give information. **
May 18-19 – Bridger Season Opener 😊
June 8-9 – Acton Cross at YDS
June 29-30 – Hot Shots at Helena RMESTC
July 13-14 – Coneageddon at YDS
Meeting adjourned prematurely by Darrin and Lane but were quickly reminded that it was not their job. Bill and Pepe were the first to leave. Kindra and Chris left next so not sure exactly how long everyone stayed. Pretty sure Lane thinks he can use an assortment of tow assemblies to pull a camper using Yak. I will believe it when I see it.