Meeting 7-9pm-ish on July 31st, 2024, with the monthly meeting *always* happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. Attendees included Carl, Eric, Zeus, Darrin, Lane, Briant, Dave, Jared, Micah, Bill and Pepe, Jessica, Luke, Matt and Kindra.
—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt Boggio (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) were all in attendance this evening*—-
Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $12,972.15 which is a whopping increase of some dollar amount from the previous amount. Can’t remember what it was, so see the previous newsletter if you care. Or come to the meetings too, that would be fun. Just sayin’.
*AC at the Metra – The event was discussed to finalize the sponsorship and all the other crap we will need to do to put on this event. It was discussed that there may not be as many drivers as we were hoping, but we will adjust the final amount for Jason when we see who shows up to the Metra on Saturday. Jason doesn’t care to have tons and tons of advertising, and we will raise a couple of banners so passing folks can drive up and see what all the fun is about. One banner will be at the entrance and the other will be near the table. Angie and Kindra will do table stuff, Chris will help tech cars, Luke will bring water and ice, Carl will be free to put out any fires as they arise. If we have more than 60 people, we will split into 3 run groups. If less than 60, we will still do two run groups. Now the important question – Which side of the lot to use? We took it to a vote, after much discussion about North and South, and This side or That side. Here or There. Left and Right, or is it Right and Left? It was brought to our attention that some club members don’t know their directions and would probably get lost in the wilderness. It was mentioned by Bill that North and South are two different sides of the Metra. Kindra pointed out to those that were confused that the North side is the side closest to the Rim, and South is the side closest to the interstate (which is visible from the far southwestern corner of the South lot). It was ultimately voted that we will use the North lot (closest to the Rim, the one with the elevation change, the side that has the entrance in the middle or That side if your name is Matt) for the course, since it is bigger (size matters here, folks). And that we will park and grid in the South lot (the one closest to the interstate, the one that is smaller. The one over ‘there’).
*Live Timing – It was also discussed to make it known about the live timing Pronto offers. Live timing allows participants to check times in an instant and in real time. It can be accessed on your Smartphone or computer. YR108 does not condone checking or being on your phone during and while participating in live action events. It is dangerous to be on your phone in the grid (could get smooshed) and strictly forbidden when behind the wheel (distraction and not in control of the car) or working the course (could also be smooshed or ran over). So please be smart. We would hate for anyone to be chastised for poor phone etiquette in front of other racers and spectators (it’s embarrassing). Plus, one could catch the death (also embarrassing, and highly irreversible). Not smart at all. Now that we’ve learned when TO use our phones (SMART – Out of your car, out of grid areas, and off course far away from moving vehicles) and when NOT TO (NOT SMART – On course, behind the wheel, working the bucket, etc.) the live timing link is here:
*YDS – We had 26 drivers, 4 of those were weekend memberships, and we still came across a small profit ($274) for the event. We will pay CW next week. It was brought to our attention that Bill had issues with the radio calls while working timing. Not that Bill specifically has issues (debatable), but more that we cannot emphasize enough the importance of radio etiquette. PLEASE wait 2-3 seconds AFTER pressing the talk button to start your call to timing. It takes a little bit for the radio waves to connect, and when you just start blabbing into the radio BEFORE it connects, timing doesn’t get the call. Then they have to call for you to repeat it….. then your dumb ass has to do it all over again. And you will probably speak louder and faster when repeating. Neither of which is helpful. I know how exciting it can be out on course but give it 2-3 seconds. We beg of you. PLEASE. Also, make the call either before or after you run, NOT DURING. It is hard to understand you when you’re all huffing and puffing across the course. Not to mention, your radio hand is moving while you’re running, so it makes it hard to hear when the radio isn’t by your mouth.
To recap:
1. Watch the vehicle as they pass by your area.
2. See if they hit/wiggle/flung in the air any cones.
3. LOOK BOTH WAYS and KNOW THE COURSE and if it doubles back BEFORE you run out to get/check a cone.
4. If it is a +1, press the radio button and WAIT 2-3 seconds before speaking.
5. Speak slowly, clearly, and TRY to use the car numbers. DO NOT yell into the radio. It does not make timing hear you better. DO NOT try to communicate while running. You’re not good at it. No one is.
*PRONTO – It was a success, and they even comp’ed our first event at YDS! How nice! Lane talked pricing with the representative and was able to score a lesser fee for our club, with the new total being $75 per weekend. Any savings helps! Thanks, Lane! He was also able to get the cables for the timing system, about $10 for both displays. We can expect this system to be up and operational at every event moving forward. We will continue to keep AXWare in our back pocket and see how this goes. Hopefully this is a healthy addiction for our club.
*Safety Steward – WE NEED SOME MORE!! Wanna learn how we keep our events safe? Ever thought of yourself as someone with attention to detail (almost to a fault)? Ever had to tell someone spectating to go get a wrist band? Have you had to call in to timing that a passenger was holding their phone and to check if it was secure when the run was finished? Ever had to DNF a run because the driver had their own hand or arm outside the car? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you would make a great Safety Steward! RallyX needs some, and AutoX needs some too! If you’re interested, email SCCA Region Services first, then they will open the Portal of Awesomeness for you to enter and become certified. After you request courses on becoming the very valuable and completely necessary Safety Steward, the link will present itself to you.
*Business Cards – In the works, Micah and Lane are working on getting the details together. Detail faster!!! Where are they?
*Merch – Beanies, hats, sweatshirts, and T-shirts are ready to go home with you! Make sure to bring some cash to pick up your new YR108 body coverings. Matt is tired of all those boxes of them sitting in his living room. He reports it leaves no room for activities.
Beanies, hats, T-Shirts – $15
Sweatshirts – $25
September 7-8 – Co-op with Bozeman in Helena at RMESTC
September 21-22 – Coneheads in Helena at RMESTC
September 28 – Casino event in Riverton, WY. (Only 4.5 hours away, fun times, great people)
October 5 – Metra Meltdown
Meeting adjourned tonight about 8:30pm. Hard and fast, as it was the second meeting this calendar month ahead of the AC Metra event. Some of us could be so lucky. Look forward to sharing ideas but don’t know where to go? Do you feel like no one listens to you at home? When you talk cars, car parts, and going faster, do people’s eyes glaze over and do they start to drool? Do you have big brain ideas but feel like all your genius falls on deaf ears? Come to a meeting. We would love to talk car parts and matching shoes well into the twilight hours with you. Heck, there might even be some treats this next time.