“Angela’s Adventures” is a segment that airs every other Sunday on Q2 at 5:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. The focus of each story is on an outdoor activity. The goal behind each story is to motivate Montanans and Wyomingites to get out and enjoy their surroundings. Angela (and her cameraman) visited the Region’s Father’s day event at GM Petroleum on June 19th and were given a quick introduction into the sport of autocross/solo. Like all other first-timers, Angela walked the course and took her first runs under the capable tutelage of an experienced driver–in this case–Regional Executive Chris Brewer. In quick order, Angela was looking for more speed out of Brewer’s Mini. Angela also rode with Scott Cranston in his GT3 and R.J. Matthews in his STI. (However, the real highlight was shoehorning Angela’s cameraman–and camera–into the back seat of Brewer’s car!) Click here to see and hear more about her visit.