Meeting 7-9pm-ish on October 9th, 2024, with the monthly meeting *always* happening at Laurel Auto Clinic, aka “Carl’s Shop” Laurel, MT. Attendees were Carl, Jerod (who showed up late), Matt, Tate, Briant, Darrin, Dean, Lane, Dave R., Jared, Josh, Jessica, Luke, Mica-chu, Chris, Kindra, and Codi. In order. In a circle. Has anyone picked up on this? Sometimes I go counterclockwise…
—-*Carl Jones (El Jefe), Matt Boggio (El Jefito), Lane Baumann (Treasurer), and Kindra Munda (Secretary) graced us with their presence this evening*—-
Lane reports that the club’s finances include: $14,815 and some change, but who’s counting? There are reports of an undisclosed amount of cash somewhere in Lane’s possession. Lane neglected to disclose the real amount, but Matt guesses it $1500 or better. Lane says it is ‘better’ and totals roughly $3,426. This is in money bags from random events and will be deposited in the near future. It was also noted that Lane has some new car parts, and speculation is that he funded these car parts from the random money bags he oversees. So, who keeps track of this?!? Just kidding, Lane is a responsible, forthright guy who is honest and would never dupe the club out of money. He will have a deposit for YR108 in the coming week, and will keep a nice sum of $600 for petty cash on hand. The deposit will be roughly $2816. This will bring our new total up to a new record here next month. When Lane reports this total at the November meeting, wouldn’t it be cool if you were present for this historic moment? Come to a meeting! Make Carl find more chairs! Jerod sat on a step stool tonight because he showed up lat…. I mean because Carl didn’t have any more. 😊 Finances include zero outstanding debts other than the Bridger light, which is nearing end of year 3 I believe, maybe year 4? It was proposed we just run through another light so we can pay for both at the same time and be done with it. I thought we were gonna bake him a pie and hide the cash in that…. hmmmm. What to do, what to do.
*Motorin’ at the Metra – We had a whopping 45 drivers to close AutoX season 2024, with 18 weekend memberships total within that. What a day! The wind was cold, the sun was low, and Lane took Jabba on a Buck Run with 5 people in it. Epic. What a great way to end the season! Thanks to everyone who came out, thanks to those who helped this season to make it such a great time! Just so members are aware moving forward, the Metra is rather spendy, and the magic number for a break-even day is calculated at 60. So, we lost money, $247 about. We need more drivers at the Metra specifically, so tell your slow-ass friends to come get whoo…. I mean, tell your fast-driving friends to come have fun with us next year!
* MSR – MSR is being bought out in the future, Carl received an email about a new registration system called Track Rabbit. The selling point here is that this company charges a lower fee for registration than MSR, and with the uncertainty of MSR and its future, Carl brought up for discussion using Track Rabbit in the future. It is based on a cost from percentage of revenue, rather than a flat rate from MSR ($2). Can’t remember the percentage, but mathematically it was cheaper. Even Darrin could math that. Kindra voiced a concern that even if Track Rabbit is cheaper, will our club and future events get exposure? MSR has been the long-standing registration place for all things motor sports, and that is where people go to see what’s happening. If YR108 moves to Track Rabbit, will we lose revenue due to people not knowing to look there? Carl put to vote and the majority voted to wait to see what other clubs are doing and make changes if/when necessary. It is unknown if the buy-out of MSR will even cause the registration feature to collapse.
*END of YEAR Banquet – It was discussed last month to have a year end banquet, and the venue has been decided. Since it is at a public venue this season, it will be public in the newsletter. All YR108 members are invited to attend so please bring a side to share! Luke will bring some meaty tubes and the matching carb wrap for the meat tubes, as well as the clear, non-fizzy hydration beverage. It is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Drink), and as a reminder, no alcoholic beverages are allowed. Codi reports it is out of her jurisdiction, and even though she is a Sergent with the Bridger Police Force, Tate mentioned “snitches get stitches.” Voted by majority for November 2, Matt brought up the date change because he has to do “cUstOmER aPpReCiATioN dAy” at work. All voted in favor, while Matt, voted no, even though it was his motion. Dude. Details are as follows:
Time: 6pm (or 5:36:43pm is when Briant will be there)
Date: November 6, 2024
Place: HDR Engineering, across from Ashley Furniture. Carl will send email with the addy
*Live Timing – Live timing allows participants to check times in an instant and in real racing time. It can be accessed on your Smartphone or computer. PLEASE BE MINDFUL THAT YR108 does not condone being on your phone while on the grid, on a hot course, or while participating in live action events. It is dangerous to be on your phone in the grid (could get smooshed) and strictly forbidden when behind the wheel (distraction and not in control of the car) or working the course (could also be smooshed or run over). So please be smart. We would hate for anyone to be chastised for poor phone etiquette in front of other racers and spectators (it’s embarrassing). Plus, one could catch the death (also embarrassing, and highly irreversible). Not smart at all. Now that we’ve learned when TO use our phones (SMART – Out of your car, out of grid areas, and off course far away from moving vehicles) and when NOT TO (NOT SMART – On course, behind the wheel, working the bucket, etc.) the live timing link is here:
*Helena Schedule – Loren has the Helena schedule underway, and our options for events were limited. We voted on July 26-27, but please keep in mind that these dates are very fluid and can possibly change. We discussed the motorcycle training, and how they are always cramping our style. It was brought up that if the motorcycles aren’t there, we could use ALL the asphalt. Most people in the club were very receptive to that idea. Some issues with the CO-OP event, the bill for RMESTC was sent to us rather than to Bozeman, profit was to be split, have not received any money. It was discussed that maybe we could pick an event where YR108 and Bozeman split course design, or to promote as YR108 specifically. We will table for now and discuss again and decide.
*Coneheads – Success! YR108 brought home the orange! We were the Grand Champions for this event, winning a whopping total of 55 cones for our region! First Place Loser was some region that won like 40-something (doesn’t matter) cones. Lane was the club Grand Champion, winning a massive 10 cones ALONE due to best PAX time! Congrats, Lane! Cones were distributed to the group tonight, Matt brought in some really great markers and a signing party ensued! If you did NOT come to the meeting tonight, shame on you. If you have a cone to sign, they will be at the Year End Banquet. Group cones will also need to be signed as well if you want. Not mandatory but traditional and fun.
*Donations/Sponsors – It is hopeful that Archie Cochrane will sponsor us again next season, we will continue to shoot for a Metra event this upcoming spring. Lane reports that Jason was receptive last time they spoke.
*Newbies – It was brought up to have some sort of Public Relations guru or a liaison to help newbies get excited and learn with YR108. Help people get rides, talk to club members, etc. Speak with Carl or Matt if interested in this exciting opportunity.
*New Venues – It was discussed to begin our yearly search for new venues. If you have an idea, bring it to the meeting, or email Carl. There is a packet of paperwork, and a letter explaining our super fun sport. It was brought up to maybe look into Wyoming, and Powell Airport, Cody Fairgrounds, Fremont Motors in Cody, and Greybull Airport were suggested.
*Safety Steward – WE NEED SOME MORE!! Wanna learn how we keep our events safe? Ever thought of yourself as someone with attention to detail (almost to a fault)? Ever had to tell a spectator to go get a wrist band? Have you had to call in to timing that a passenger was holding their phone and to check if it was secure when the run was finished? Ever had to DNF a run because the driver had their own hand or arm outside the car? Think you have what it takes to build a bomb-ass course? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you would make a great Safety Steward! RallyX needs some, and AutoX needs some too! If you’re interested, email SCCA Region Services first, then they will open the Portal of Awesomeness for you to enter and become certified. This is a go at your own pace set up, and they will guide you through, as a Safety Steward may have once done for you on your first run in AutoX. After you request courses on becoming the very valuable and completely necessary Safety Steward, the link will present itself to you. Please direct any questions to Briant.
*Business Cards – In the works, Micah and Lane are working on getting the details together (since May I am told). Could have handed out at least 50 of those bad boys this summer alone. If only we had them…. *sigh*.
*Merch – Beanies, hats, sweatshirts, and T-shirts are ready to go home with you! Make sure to bring some cash to pick up your new YR108 body coverings. Matt is tired of all those boxes of them sitting in his living room. He reports it leaves no room for activities.
Beanies, hats, T-Shirts – $15
Sweatshirts – $25
*Course Design – It was discussed to have some pointer/learning videos put up on the website informing members about course design. Houston SCCA has some great videos. They will be posted soon, as Lane will get the link up for viewing. Briant says that is ok. Thanks, Briant. The rubber at the Metra is pretty much burned into the asphalt, as GoogleMaps satellite view shows. It is really kind of cool, also the satellite view of RMESTC has some neat markings. However, this is a good reminder that past event course designs have been so similar. Having multiple different people design the course can offer exciting new changes as well as offer a shared responsibility among club members. It was discussed and voted that there will be 2 lead designers and 1 grunt. Design could be swapped on Sat/Sun if it is a two-day event. If there is a discrepancy among design ideas, the last vote will go to the grunt for majority. It was also decided that the Safety Steward of the event and the course designers will walk the course TOGETHER to discuss safety issues and ensure flow of the course. These people will be decided at a meeting prior to the event, so if you want an input, or don’t want to be volun-told, come to a meeting. You have an opinion, come share with us!
*LET’TS GET READY TO RALLY!!! – When the sun rise falls further behind the clock, and the children begin their daily march to the schoolyard, when the morning air is crisp with chilly temperatures and the leaves begin to yellow ever so slightly, we anticipate the Opening for the 2024-2025 RallyX Season!! Tonight, it returns, and the excitement is no less this year than last. RallyX is one of the best things to come out of a dirty, overgrown field. One of the many pleasures that can come from winter besides the corporate Christmas Party. A continuation of the fun we call motorsports. The course will be set by Matt and Luke. RallyX events 1, 2, and 3 will be at YDS, and events 4 and 5 will be set in Bridger. The last events will be at Big Sky Speedway, there will be more to come so stay tuned. Make sure to bring your best dirty car, you know the one, the one that has a wheel that likes to fall off every once in a while. Yes, that one. If you have a Ford Focus you just bought, be sure to bring it. Because it will be a great time and super fun. Be sure to dress for any kind of Montana weather. First event is gonna be LIT fr fr, (no cap) so join us! October 20, 2024. Show up at 7am, drivers meeting at 9. It was discussed that it really only takes 2 people to run a RallyX event, but it’s waaaay more fun to have lots of people there.
*Season Pass – Chris brought up for discussion a Season Pass idea for events. If MSR does increase rates after the buyout, it could prove fruitful for the upcoming season. Pay in full for the whole year, and if you don’t make an event, too bad.
PROS: a guaranteed amount of money, all right now, right away
CONS: budgeting for a profit or loss, regulars will be the ones who will use it mostly, the club could/most likely will lose money, keeping track of registrations as it will not be offered through MSR, etc.
It was decided to table for now. Will revisit in the future.
*Test N’ Tune – Chris also brought up the idea of a Test N’ Tune night sometime prior to the actual AutoX event. This topic came alive and took on a life of its own as we discussed possibilities of new members, locations, evening vs. daylight events, if we could piggyback it off of event sanctioning, and how to get driver insurance for Test N’ Tune, where and when to have it. It was discussed that we could tech cars at this event as well, and have a very simple course with few elements such as a slalom or Chicago Box. Dean brought up that this additional event could be a great way to extend Cone School for newbies and help them begin to feel comfortable out on course. It was also discussed that there could be a second Driver’s Meeting moving forward. I didn’t say this at the meeting because I do my best thinking while driving or asleep, but I like this idea paired with a PR liaison. We could help drivers sign up after lunch for the second session if they happen across our event and miss the 1st Drivers Meeting. Many people pull up and watch while sitting in their 2022 Challenger, but never race because they’re slow, I mean scared, no. *LATE for the meeting. And as we all know, if you miss the Driver’s Meeting, you CANNOT drive. Adding a second Driver’s Meeting could allow stragglers the opportunity to join. It was discussed that late attendees could introduce the idea that it is OK to come late or leave early. We all know it takes lots of bodies out on course for AutoX to function smoothly. It will need to be discussed further. Have an idea?
October 20 – Season Opener for RallyX at YDS😊
November 10 – YDS
December 8 – YDS
January 9 – Bridger
Meeting adjourned tonight at some time, but it was so fun and relaxing that it didn’t even seem to be as late as it was. Like what you’re reading? Sound like fun? Wanna help us run Carl out of chairs? Come to a meeting and show up early-ish and maybe you won’t have to sit on the dirty stool. It will be epic next month as everyone rolls out to YDS with their new, old, boring, exciting and rebuilt RallyX whips. Who will win this year’s Rally Season? Who will be the most skilled and fastest driver to take the title of Grand Champion from Darrin? You already know he will be working harder than ever to be crowned Two-Timer 😊. Also, cones amplify sound, and it was really fun to make fart noises out of them. Apparently, Jerod can’t concentrate on his signature when he hears loud fart noises. Who knew.